Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What I love most about photography...

Sometimes, when I reflect on my life--the many paths I could have taken but didn't, the rare and amazing opportunities I was too chicken to pursue, the many obstacles that set me off in a new direction--I wonder it all wasn't just preparation for here. For now. For my work in photography.

Since I launched the business in 2008, I've been at times inundated, at times overwhelmed, but always impassioned. I'm in love with my camera and how it can transform a vision living in my head into an image printed on paper. In love with the many wonderful people I've had the chance to meet and to shoot--people who've overcome shyness in order to reveal themselves so that I might truly capture them with my lens. And in love with learning--it really does seem there can be no end to the many intricacies of digital photography and digital photography as art.

I've tapped into a warm and welcoming community of talented artists--even outside of the U.S. Unselfishly, they've shared wisdom, experience and advice. Some have even shared equipment and clients. And I am truly grateful to them.

There's just so much to love about the field of photography. And though where I live (Long Island, New York) may seem small at times, particularly given the fierce competition among the many talented photographers here, I'm glad my path led me here and that I'm forging a future among them.

But what I love most about photography are the images I see in my mind's eye, even before my finger's pressed down in attempt to capture it.

Those beautiful moments--whether they celebrate a milestone, embody a moment in time, or convey an undeniable feeling--propel me forward and encourage me to keep working to become the best I can be. So that one day I may truly be able to say I've captured the essence of the human spirit.

Make it a great day!

Susan Eckert

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