There's a spark, a feeling of life, of authenticity that happens when a smile is genuine.
I've always known this, and yet I have to admit that I've nonetheless cultivated a bad habit: sometimes I'll ask my model to "Smile." But if I'm honest, I have to admit that that well-intentioned directive never delivers what I'm really after.
And so, I'm making a vow, starting right now, to never tell one of my clients (which I endearingly call my models) to "Smile."
At best, "Smile" gets me a canned grin. But more often, it's something more like a grimace (NOT a good look!). In short, it's never the expression I'm after because, ironically or no, "Smile" never inspires a genuine smile.
In most instances when I say "Smile," I realize that I'm reacting to the nervousness I sense from behind my camera. Of course, my intention is to help the person relax. But, "Smile" never does the trick. And in fact, it probably does the opposite by pressuring my model into faking it. (YIKES!)
Stupid is as stupid does.
So, I'm wisening up.
You see, I've also found that engaging my model in coversation, learning a bit about them while we shoot--finding out where their interests lie, the particular brand of wit and humor they appreciate--is all very useful. This information clues me in on the things that will help bring out that genuine smile. And while I'm no comic, I can and usually do call on a sharp sense of wit.
Thankfully, this allows me to make people smile, laugh, forget they're posing in front of a camera. Even if just for a little while.
In fact, sometimes we end up finding it hard to keep a straight face....such as in my boudoir sessions, where my models tend more often than not arrive tense and nervous at first. It's hard to convey sexiness when you're busy laughing.
So, it's a constant balance. I want to make my models feel comfortable, confident, and happy. Because that's the way to a genuine smile, to capturing that spark that will ultimately make for a great image.
It's a challenge that begins anew each and every time I start a session with a new individual. But it's one I look forward to each and every time! And I promise, I'll never again try to achieve it by saying "Smile!"
Best wishes for a happy Memorial Day weekend from my family to yours!
Susan Eckert
Susan Eckert is a portrait and event photographer based in Brightwaters, Long Island in New York. She works with clients all across Long Island, and the metro New York City area.
Susan Eckert is a portrait and event photographer based in Brightwaters, Long Island in New York. She works with clients all across Long Island, and the metro New York City area.
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