Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LIArtPhotography in Newsday Today!

So, when Patricia Kitchen (who writes for career and professional development issues for Newsday) called me and said she was working on a story, I hesitated before calling her back. I worried that she'd want to drag me back into my old life...that of professional development consultant...and I certainly didn't want to go back there!

After all, I'm having way too much fun, and I'm way too busy with my new blossoming photography business to take a step backwards into a place that, well, just isn't fun any longer.

But I called and chuckled as I explained my dilemma to her.

"Don't worry," she said, "this is related." And it was.

I was glad to share my experience starting my photography business with her - the struggles, the thought process, the steps, the...well, read the article!

You can find it here: Newsday article about Susan Eckert and LIArtPhotography.com.

Have a great day and don't forget to book your autumn family and even your Holiday Greeting Card photo sessions early!!

My best,
Susan Eckert
AND most recently....

1 comment:

The Long Island Roller Rebels said...

Congrats Susan! Inspiring interview and it's so exciting to see you in Newsday!