Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sometimes the Little Things Do Matter: How to Look Your Best During Your Photo Shoot

Portrait photography is a perfect career for me! I just love making people look and feel great.

And while I do appreciate "the natural" approach to photography - use of natural light and minimal digital intervention (particularly for children and babies), I am inclined to yield to my grownup models' requests that I soften the effect time has had on their faces and/or bodies.

"Restoring what time has taken away" is how I look at it. And my clients love it. With a soft touch of a digital wand, I can boost self-confidence, self-esteem and help people reconnect with both their inner and outer beauty.

But above and beyond this digital work, there are steps that YOU can take before you even arrive for your shoot to ensure that YOU look your absolute best. (These will also save your friendly neighborhood photographer a bundle of time in Photoshop!)

Small Things
Have a Tendency to Loom Large

When I sit down to edit images, I zoom in on clothes, smiles, eyes, hair, just about everything. I want to be sure there will be no distractions from the main focus of the image - YOU!

Following is a list of little things that, alone or all together, serve as major distractions. Provided are also suggestions for ensuring a great result from your photo session.

1. Clothing

When you select your outfit for your photography shoot, examine the items very closely. Remove tags that show through fabric, or that demonstrate a stubborn tendency to peek out from beneath your clothing. Any stains, even light ones, are likely to show up under studio lights. Pills - those annoying little balls of fabric and thread - will likely resemble a solar system, only they will be floating on your outfit and grabbing attention away from the star attraction--YOU. : ) And need I mention wrinkles? The contrast between light and shadow will create a mountainous range on your shirt or other article of clothing.....so, do yourself a favor - try your best to choose items that are free from these distracting features and you'll look fantabulous!

2. Skin and Hair

Unless you happen to be an expert in waxing and facial care, a once in a year or once in a lifetime shoot is not the time for a do it yourself approach or a courageous experiment! : )

Uneven eyebrows, irritated skin, a brand new untested haircut or hair color - these are all little things that tend to scream out loud in photos. So, be sure you let trusted experts handle them and you'll feel comfortable about how you look in front of the camera...and feeling comfortable will translate into confident and vibrant photographs of you!

3. Nails

It's easy to forget manicures/pedicures - but if you're planning on anything but a series of tight headshots, be sure not to overlook these ten little details. Fresh paint will lend itself to a more polished overall result.

4. Poses

Although you might feel silly, practice your favorite poses before a mirror. All of us have little tiny, nitpicky hangups -- usually things other people never notice. Am I right? I've heard things like "I don't like my turkey neck...my double chin...that my eyes are different sizes...etc. etc."

So, practice poses in the mirror. Find angles and positions that eliminate focus on the things you don't like, and that instead emphasize your best features. Feel free to use a magazine or clothes catalog (such as Victoria's Secret if you're going for boudoir photography) as a guide.

5. Channel Positive Thoughts

The last thing on my list: thinking positive and confident thoughts will absolutely make you feel and look positive and confident...hence, better photos! : )

Don't believe me? Try this little experiment.

Stand in front of a mirror and spend a minute or two focusing on all the things you love to nitpick about your hair, your eyes, your smile, your skin, your height, whatever it is. Then examine your expression. How do you look. How is your body positioned? Do you look relaxed?

Now, stand before the mirror praising the things you do love about yourself, your hair, your eyes, your skin, your body, etc. Now examine your expression again. What's it like now? Are you holding your head a bit higher? Are your lips curled into more of a confident smile? Is your body more relaxed?

Feel the difference between these two scenarios and then see the difference. That's what the camera will see too.

: )

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this little exercise if you happen to take it on. Send a note to Susan's Email at LI Art Photography.

And make it a superb day!

Susan Eckert

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