Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Create Special Family Portraits During the Holidays

Given the hectic pace most of us experience day after day, holidays are a great time to pause for a moment. To enjoy good food and wine. And to simply enjoy being with family and friends we love.

Since everyone's already together, holidays provide a great opportunity to create beautiful images of family and friends. In other words, to capture the beauty of the moment, the here and now.

I'll be shooting two families this Saturday. One has a daughter who, just this year, moved away to college. She'll be coming back to visit for Thanksgiving and her mom thought she'd take advantage of having all five of her children together for a family portrait. When loved ones move away, we realize just how precious the moments spent together really are.

The second family had been spread all over upstate New York and Long Island. And then the parents moved away to Indiana. Going forward, the opportunities this family of six will have to spend all together are sure to be treasured.

Portrait photography is so beautiful because it forever freezes individuals and families within a specific moment in time. As we look back on these images, they remind us of the laughs we shared, the relationships we nurtured, and the growing up we've done.

I feel so honored whenever a family invites me into their world so that I might help them record the things that are most precious to them at this very moment...right now.

Even if you don't hire a professional photographer this holiday season, be sure to keep your camera nearby during family get togethers. You won't want to miss the opportunity to snap a picture of Aunt Anne in the middle of a hearty belly laugh, or of your toddler as he plays quietly in a corner amidst all the business of the gathering, or of mom as she serves the pumpkin pie she worked so hard to make.

And don't feel the need to pose everyone for every picture. Candid shots make for some of the most beautiful moments, and therefore, some of the most beautiful images.

Lastly, don't forget the four-legged ones! They're family too!

Have a wonderful holiday!

All my best,

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