Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Blog Has Moved...

Now that my website is a nifty combined blogsite, I will no longer be posting here, but instead, will be posting blogs on my don't miss out on the updates! Go to and and be sure to get RSS feeds and/or join my mailing list. Got lots of fun stuff coming up!

Have a super 2010!

All the best,
Susan Eckert

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful and Looking Forward to 2010

2009 has been a whirlwind of fun, challenge, risk-taking, reward - the whole kit and kaboodle!

Early in the year I tentatively waded into the business of building a photography business. Despite getting my feet wet in 2008, I still felt unsteady and unsure of everything. I was doggie paddling in a sea of talented old timers and visionary freestylers.

Were my talents sufficiently different from the vast pool of photographers out there (or at least the hundreds out on Long Island where I live)?

Was my knowledge enough to carry me through a wide range of scenarios and lighting challenges (from screaming newborns refusing to pose for the camera, to the positioning of large families in blinding sunlight, to mastering the lightning speed and accuracy required to capture unrepeatable and critical moments during weddings)?

How would I make my voice heard and stand out in an ocean of bobbing heads? How could I offer something of value, a service that wasn't simply about being the best price?

I definitely felt overwhelmed. But I also felt passionate about photography, passionate about meeting the challenges head on, and passionate about learning, learning, learning. So I dove right in!

That passion fuels me still. Because now as I look back on the year that's quickly coming to a close, I've found that I'm holding my own despite the current high tide in the field, that I'm no longer doggie paddling, and that indeed, I'm finding my stride in this amazing field.

Of course, I owe a great deal to my "mentors" - gracious and generous people who've been in the field way longer than I have, who might not like the way the field has changed or the sudden influx of newbies, but who nonetheless have shared their wisdom, guided me in my growth, and have encouraged my ideas and hopes for a future in photography. To them I will be infinitely grateful!

And I hope they will continue to stand beside me in the coming year as I expand my reach, take on new and greater challenges, and establish relationships with clients I've yet to meet.

I have big plans for 2010. You won't find this photogrpaher adopting a casual backstroke. Nope. I'll be working hard to become ever better, ever more knowledgeable, and to deliver ever more value to the people and businesses with whom I'm fortunate enough to work.

So as 2009 comes to an end, I look forward.

My motto for 2010: Bring it on!

Happy holidays!

All the best,
Susan Eckert

**Remember to plan ahead! My calendar is full for Christmas bookings and is almost full for valentine's day, so if you want to schedule a boudoir or portrait session for V-day make sure to book your date now!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Holiday Photo Shoot Special

Start thinking about the holidays yet?

Well, if you'd like to have a nice photo to place on those greeting cards, now's the time to start thinking about it! : )

Announcing a holiday photo shoot special:
Enjoy a 45-minute shoot and choose 3 of your favorite jpgs files to use in creating greeting cards wherever and however you like - only $150! (Limit 3 people)

But hurry, this price expires October 31st!

Have a great day.

Susan Eckert

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Announcing the Winner of the Free Child Photography Contest...

In August, I announced a contest for a free child photography session.

Today, I am happy to announce the winner.......

THANK YOU Heidi for your submission and I am glad to announce that Shauna is the winner of a free photography session from!

Heidi wrote: "My daughter, Shauna, currently is playing travel soccer and is very athletic, has a bubbly personality with a great sense of humor to match. I would like be able to reward her with this contest for her hard work in the past in school, sports, Girl Scouts and all her volunteer work with the soccer club."

I am glad that you will be able to reward her for all her hard work with this photo shoot and I can't wait to capture her bubbly personality in images you are both sure to cherish!


Best always,
Susan Eckert

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

LIArtPhotography in Newsday Today!

So, when Patricia Kitchen (who writes for career and professional development issues for Newsday) called me and said she was working on a story, I hesitated before calling her back. I worried that she'd want to drag me back into my old life...that of professional development consultant...and I certainly didn't want to go back there!

After all, I'm having way too much fun, and I'm way too busy with my new blossoming photography business to take a step backwards into a place that, well, just isn't fun any longer.

But I called and chuckled as I explained my dilemma to her.

"Don't worry," she said, "this is related." And it was.

I was glad to share my experience starting my photography business with her - the struggles, the thought process, the steps, the...well, read the article!

You can find it here: Newsday article about Susan Eckert and

Have a great day and don't forget to book your autumn family and even your Holiday Greeting Card photo sessions early!!

My best,
Susan Eckert
AND most recently....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Need a Fun Girls' Birthday Party Idea?

Why not try a Glamour Shoot Party. Perfect for pre-teens, teenagers, or young adults!

A great alternative to a sweet 16 event or high school graduation party!

How does it work?

1. Invite 3 or more people aside from the birthday girl or teen star; (free for hostess if 4 or more additional guests)
2. You choose the theme (teen celebrity, retro doll, rockstar, etc.)
3. Each person gets ready for a mini photo session
4. A makeup artist and styler will be on hand to help the girls look their best
5. A professional photographer will setup in a designated space for photo sessions
6. Choose from a range of props
7. Decide on either: A) 1 8x10 group print and 1 8x10 individual print OR B) A soft-cover photo book for each person with one group image and their best individual shots
8. BONUS: Enjoy a“Look I’m on a Magazine Cover” Random Prize Drawing: Hostess and one lucky winner will receive a custom 8x10 print designed to look like a magazine cover
9. $99/person for print option A
10. $125/person for mini photo book option B

It's a lot of fun! Girls of all ages just love to dress up!

For more information, contact Susan Eckert at 631.398.4487 or via email at

Have a great day!
Susan Eckert
Adult Pin-up / Glamour Parties
Life is Art - about art portrait photography at LI Art Photography
Love is Art - about boudoir art photography at LI Boudoir Photography

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Download My Handy Guide to Budoir Photography

Curious about boudoir photography - sensual photos you can give as gifts to your significant other?

Download my free handy guide to boudoir photography. Includes information about how the boudoir photography process works at my studio, as well as pricing information and helpful tips for looking your best for your big shoot!

Available now at:

Have a great day!

Susan Eckert

Also available, a handy guide to art photography at LI Art Photography: